Release Log

Here you’ll find all the recorded releases and release logs for each version of OMPR. This page should help you out in tracking any new changes, bug fixes implemented, watchouts and more.

OMPR V0.6.10 – 2023/03/12

-Added – AI tweak image depth generator. Allows you to create depth images from any image viewed.
-Optimized – AI tweak Image background remover is now faster and enables trained model (onnx) swapping
-Fixed – Inability to drag and drop media content to OMPR when transparent windows background had been activated.

OMPR V0.6.9 – 2023/02/26

-Added – Transparent window background. You can now toggle the visibility of the windows desktop behind OMPR app and have full control too. Right-click on the left or right edges of your desktop screen to show OMPR UI up when the UI is hidden,.
-Added – A1111 Stable Diffusion connector backend to OMPR web engine. This is to make way for future AI Tweaks features coming soon. Stay tuned!

OMPR V0.6.8a – 2023/02/20

-Improvement to the U2Net model offline reference mechanism.

OMPR V0.6.8 – 2023/02/19

-Revamp the audio system for the environment ambient player. Now includes custom audio clip loader supporting Mp3, Ogg, Xm, It, Mod, S3m, Wav, and Aiff.
-Fix – missing projector lock icons from previously built are now visible once more.
-Added custom skybox option under Environment UI. Ability to add and remove your own equirectangular panoramic image as the skybox. Skybox can be rotated to adjust the angle.
-Added AI Background remover based on U2Net AI framework for Image projector. Check the AI Tweaks dropdown to toggle between u2net standard, u2netp – portrait, u2net-human_seg, u2net_cloth_seg, or silueta. Default to CUDA (Nvidia) processor, if you have an AMD card or would like to use CPU as the processor, untick the CUDA checkbox.

OMPR V0.6.7 – 2023/02/12

-Added scale combiner, which allows multiple flat projector sizes to be adjusted from one main controller.
-Added cropping combiner, which allows multiple flat projectors to be cropped from top, left, bottom, or right direction from one main controller.
-Added layout combiner, which allows multiple flat projectors to be stacked together through various arrangements from one main controller.
-Added sound combiner, which allows multiple sound sources of projection to be controlled from one main controller.
-Added video frame stepper combiner, which allows multiple video projections to adjust the exact point in a video timeline as their starting point for playing from one controller.
-Combiner is now applicable for all flat capable projection types (web, cam, video, image, gif, and screen)
-Fix – 4K monitor UI improvement for 150% and 200% scale random flickering issue with FXAA.

OMPR V0.6.6 – 2023/02/08

-Fix – Fisheye 180, 190, 200, and 220 not clearing up on clear or loading up new media. Moved to “Special” dropdown on applicable mode (previously “Fisheye” dropdown)
-Fix – VR UI appearing after going back into 2D and back multiple times sporadically
-Added a dedicated Google Camera mode for 360 projector – added to “Special” dropdown
-Added Combination mode for Video with the ability to play, pause, rewind, stop, mute, adjust volume, and crop multiple video media simultaneously.

OMPR V0.6.5 – 2023/02/01

-Improve Overseer viewport clarity and conformance to 4K screen sizing
-Fix – Eliminate VR left hand shaking due to rogue colliders from player avatar’s IK.
-Fix – JIttering in flat mode when using Head mode to view Stereo based media.
-Improve VR UI area visibility with a new gaze mechanic. (Thank you Armourking)
-Added experimental Crowd AI to a preset virtual environment, currently activated on the Gallery environment via Overseer.
-Added to custom virtual environment backend Crowd AI, physics and gravity.
-Added bulk load of images or 3D models to a preset virtual environment, currently available on the Gallery environment via Overseer. Enable users to select a folder and load the content automatically.
-Watchout – When in VR mode if you have the Overseer window open the VR user won’t be able to click on any of the VR UI. This is due to WIndows input control by design. To gain control, go back to primary 2D mode (F4) and jump back to VR (F6)

OMPR V0.6.4b – 2023/01/24

-Quick fix – Main UI appearing on top of overseer when activated
-Added NavMesh generator
-Optimize .gif renderer and sizing function

OMPR V0.6.4a – 2023/01/23

-Quick fix – Environment tab nonresponsive, unable to toggle between the 4 tabs.

OMPR V0.6.4 – 2023/01/22

-Added compatibility with WMR devices. Tested working great with HP Reverb G2. The VR clarity is just awesome thanks to it’s 2k per eye specs.
-Added preliminary AI agent engine to OMPR backend
-Added custom wall and ground to enable interactive mode for custom environment objects.
-Added fullscreen in VR for video and image projector selection. Good to have an always-on-the-screen image/video being projected persistently.
-Fix 360 projector issue with chromakeying projectors where any projector on top would hide it from view (z-sorting on shader)
-Added bulk Image\Video and 3d model loader on the Gallery preset environment via Overseer. Now you can quickly load up the content of a target folder directly to the gallery.
-Added Head movement to allow the user to just move the head without moving the body around. Good for stationary viewing of content. For example 360/180 or EAC media viewing.
-Added VR UI canvas resizer button to the main VR UI. Click and press the thumbstick up or down to resize.

OMPR V0.6.3 – 2023/01/15

-Added custom grabbable and gravity to enable interactive mode for custom environment objects.

OMPR V0.6.2 – 2023/01/13

-Added Anti Alias Graphic tweaks for both VR and 2D mode. Now FXAA, SMAAand TAA can be easily toggled and tweaked
-Added Python includes for upcoming web scrapping feature
-Added custom skybox accepting Equirectangular images as a feature – to be used with the custom environment.
-Fixed issue with VR menu persisting after going back to 2D mode when selecting ‘Back to reality’. (Thank you, Chris)

OMPR V0.6.1 – 2023/01/09

-Fixes for the Overseer copy scale function – Pressing Alt when selecting an object and without releasing Alt selects another object will copy the first object’s scale to the second one.
-Fixes for Video range slider label overlapping on an adjacent button – (Thank you, Dave).

OMPR V0.6 – 2023/01/07

First initial release on Gumroad.

For details on the current release and initial functionalities please consult the User Guide at the following link

For current progress and road map, you can check it out on the Road Map page at the following link